
Say Bye-Bye to Burnout: 5 Tips for Sellers

Selling a business isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon - one with a lot of hills and valleys. It will most likely be six to twelve months from the initial evaluation and marketing of your business until you sign the final sale contract. Along the way, you’re bound to run...

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Secrets To My Success

Working for yourself means giving up your sleep, prioritizing your schedule, and constantly striving to outdo yourself. Without unshakeable determination and measurable goals along the way, I wouldn’t have gotten as far as I am today. All that I am capable of is...

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Selling Your Business with 1099 Employees

Recently had an opportunity to help a manufacture with bout 15-employees try to sell his business.  All were 1099, even the office staff.  This poses a big tax liability issue.  Everything is fine until you get caught or there is an on the job accident....

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