Mature Entrepreneur/Sales People on the Hunt…
Had an inquiry from an Entrepreneur/Sales Person that had made significant money in the trading business, now owns businesses which are semi-passive, and is now looking for a new opportunity. What is important to him is to have time, flexibility, and the...
5 Ways to Spend the Funds and Your Time After Selling Your Business
When you spend a large part of your life building a business, the idea of selling it can be overwhelming. What will you do with your time? How will you fill your days with purpose? You may also be struggling to decide if now is the right time to make a transition. You...
How to Determine a Fair Price for Your Business
When you are considering selling your business, you will most likely have no idea how much you can get for it. After all, there are a ton of different factors that go into the final purchase price. In order to get a good idea of what your business is worth, you will...
5 Napoleon Hill Quotes That Will Inspire Your Success
Napoleon Hill may have died with less than a million dollars in the bank, but his self-help books made many people multimillionaires. Born in 1883, Hill experienced two world wars, the great stock market crash, prohibition, desegregation, and the ratification of the...
Business Sold in 90 Days, Beginning to End Located in New York, From Florida
I prospected the Seller over 36-years ago on Long Island fishing for a seller; the time was not right for him. I suggested he keep my card, I told him someday you will want to sell. He kept my business card thankfully, and the day did come to sell on June...
Mythical or Monetizable?
3 Profitable Business Concepts You Have to See to Believe Image by Gerd Altmann Still not sure your vision can be a reality? Let’s take a look at some of the wackiest business concepts out there and get inspired! Many people believe that in order to create a...
Financing for Females: 5 Tips for Women Purchasing a Business
There are more than 11.6 million firms owned by women in the United States and those numbers are growing every day. Today, women-owned businesses make up 39% of all businesses that are privately owned in this country. Are you ready to join their ranks? If you have...
The Time to Sell Your Business is when The Passion is Gone, Two-Alternatives to Consider
Harry Reasoner of 60 Minutes recently said in so many words “the time to retire is when you are at the top of your game.” In business, this is also very true. What happens if you hang-around without the passion of prior years, employees and customers will...
The Top 8 Drivers to Achieve the Highest Business Value When You Sell Your Business
It is smart to establish sooner rather than later what provides value for a buyer of your business. You may get a rude awaking by wait until you are ready to sell to find out your business is not what you thought. Higher value means you a higher price for...
When Selling Your Business, You Need a Financial Statement
To get the best price possible, having a tax return along is better than nothing, but that is about it. Although all the information on a financial statement is included on the tax return, it is not shown with the detail a buyer will want to see. If you know in...
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