4 Common Types of Business Valuation Methods
A business valuation should tell you what your company would be worth if you sold it to a buyer. But, if you make a mistake when calculating your valuation, it’s easy to overestimate or underestimate your worth. That’s why there are several different methods for...
Has Your Business’ For Sale By Owner Ad Gone Stale?
A lot of my clients pick up the phone and call me right away when they’re ready to sell their business. Many of them have worked with me in the past and know the swiftest way to a sale is through my Rolodex. But, I also get a lot of first-time clients who have never...
Planting a Seed – How to Grow a Successful, Sellable Business
Owning a business requires a lot of work ethic. For years, you have to dedicate yourself to the long hours it will take to meet your goals. But, eventually, there should come a point where you can start coming in less often and let the force of nature take over. You...
Today, I’m Thankful for My Business Brokerage
Thanksgiving falls on Thursday and everyone is busy getting their last-minute groceries together for the big meal. Part of many family traditions is going around the table to say what you’re thankful for, and thanks to the hard work of my team, I have a lot to be...
Is your company’s EBITDA $1 million or more? Are you thinking a valuation of X5 to X7?
Here are some attributes that “might” get you to a X5 to X7 multiple of EBIDTA for a price for your business with an EBITDA over $1 million. Limited customer concentrationEBITDA more like $2 or $3 million or more, which consistently has an EBITDA over 40%Clean...
Securing Your Sale: Do’s and Don’ts of Seller Financing
Sometimes when a seller is looking to close a deal, they will offer seller financing to the buyer as a way to finance a portion of the sale price. Typically, it’s done as a way to increase the likelihood of selling your company quickly. But, sometimes seller financing...
4 Tips to Attract Quality Prospects for Your Business Listing
Putting your business on the market is only the first step towards finding a buyer. Using the right advertising techniques can help you attract more leads and ultimately lead to a higher selling price. But, if you reveal that you are selling your business too early,...
When your business has a net profit (EBITDA) over $1 million dollars and you are thinking of selling…
Be sure to ask questions and learn about an Employee Stock Option Program (ESOP), here are some of the attributes of this alternative: To qualify the company needs at least 15 employees and have a net income (EBITDA) of over $1 million dollars.Your employees who...
4 Celebrity Franchisee’s Raking in the Dough
Celebrities are known for making a ton of money on television and the radio. But, many of them like to subsidize their funds using classic business streams. As someone interested in business sales, you’ve probably considered purchasing a franchise at one point or...
How to Respond to an Unsolicited Offer for Your Business
If you run a successful business, then you probably have been inundated with offers from people interested in purchasing it. Whether you’re ready to sell today or actively pursuing a five-year plan, starting a conversation about selling your business can trigger a...
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