
It Will Take Time and Effort to Sell Your Business

When you decide to sell your business, the first matter is gathering all the information needed for the broker. It is not smart to go to market without all the facts and documents available, organized and packaged for review by potential buyers. Doing so is being...

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Medical Rehab & Detox – Drug Testing Lab

Just received a second signed contact in the medical field, which now total $26.5 million.  These transactions are a Drug Rehab & Detox Center, and a Drug Testing Lab type of businesses.  In addition, a trading business is due to close in the next thirty days with...

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Why Should You Hire a Business Broker?

If you're considering selling your business, a business broker can help make the process simpler and more worry-free. They can help to ensure that your business will continue on after you've parted from it and that the employees that worked for you are taken care of....

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When is the Best Time to Sell Your Business?

This question is comparable to asking when is the best time to ask for a credit line or loan from your banker. That answer is when you don’t need it, and you are flying high. The same holds true when selling your business. Going to market with your business at a peak,...

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