
5 Benefits of Selling Your Business to an Employee

Selling your company can be a lengthy process. First, you have to put together a valuation and create a business listing, then you have to vet your potential buyers and advertise your company without giving away any of your secrets, and then you have to get through...

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Is Your Business Exit-Ready?

Have you ever had a valuation done on your business? Most business owners would say yes. But, ask them if they think they could actually close a deal for that amount and many owners become a lot less confident. Assessing the potential value of your business is not the...

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4 Reasons You Should Purchase an Existing Business

Starting your own company is exciting, but, can also be overwhelming. When you have a great idea for a business, you start thinking about all the things you have to do in order to be up and running. But, what if you could purchase a business that had all of the right...

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Your Team is an Asset: Here’s How to Value Them

What really makes or breaks a business is the team behind the transactions. When you put together a great workforce, that has measurable value to potential purchasers. But, how do you place a dollar value on your workforce? Can you really use a business valuation...

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6 Tips for Selling a Business with Few Assets

When your business doesn’t have many assets, it’s difficult to know what you have to sell. But, a business is a lot more than four walls and a workforce. In reality, when you’re selling your business, you’re advertising its cash flow. That’s what determines the value...

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