To Get All Cash When You Sell Your SW Florida Business, You Cannot Have Declining Sales
Two top items a bank will want to see to consider before granting a business loan to your buyer is that the sales and cash flow trend are steady or growing, and that no one customer represents more than 10% of total sales. If there is a sales decline with a reasonable...
To Get All Cash When You Sell Your Business, You Cannot Have Declining Sales
Two top items a bank will want to see to consider before granting a business loan to your buyer is that the sales and cash flow trend are steady or growing, and that no one customer represents more than 10% of total sales. If there is a sales decline with a reasonable...
To Get All Cash When You Sell Your South Florida Business, You Cannot Have Declining Sales
Next to your home, your business is most likely where most of your wealth is concentrated. Most qualified financial planners would point out the value of receiving all cash at closing rather than worrying about whether the buyer will pay a promissory note as agreed....
This is the time of year to groom your Florida Panhandle business to sell next year
The most important reasons to complete this task before year-end are: 1. Every dollar you can add to your profit is worth a multiple of two to three-and-a-half times that amount when establishing the price of the business. So, pay the earned income tax at whatever...
This is the time of year to groom your Central Florida business to sell next year
One of the most commonly overlooked preparations for selling a business or franchise is cleaning up the financial statement of seller-specific expenses. These expenses are commonly called add-back or seller discretionary income, because they are added to the net...
This is the time of year to groom your Southwest Florida business to sell next year
One of the most commonly overlooked preparations for selling a business or franchise is cleaning up the financial statement of seller-specific expenses. These expenses are commonly called add-back or seller discretionary income, because they are added to the net...
This is the time of year to groom your South Florida business to sell next year
One of the most commonly overlooked preparations for selling a business or franchise is cleaning up the financial statement of seller-specific expenses. These expenses are commonly called add-back or seller discretionary income, because they are added to the net...
Selling my SW Florida Business-How Long Will it Take to Sell
Statically, the average time range is eight to 10 months. Some of the factors that can reduce or increase this time frame are: When most business buyers filter opportunities they are considering, the factors they weigh are typically the geographic location, type of...
Sell Your Franchise in Central Florida Confidentially
Robert (Bob) Dolan specializes in selling existing franchises, particularly those with sales over $600,000 per year. As a former franchisee himself and a franchisor executive in industry for over forty years, he is an expert in the field. Dolan Sales, Inc. serves...
Sell Your Franchise in Southwest Florida Confidentially
Robert (Bob) Dolan specializes in selling existing franchises, particularly those with sales over $600,000 per year. As a former franchisee himself and a franchisor executive in industry for over forty years, he is an expert in the field. Dolan Sales, Inc. serves...
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