by Robert Dolan | Sep 23, 2013 | Divestiture Strategy, Florida Panhandle Business Broker, Sell Your Business, Uncategorized
Time is the biggest killer of transactions. Having a plan and being prepared will enable you to seize the opportunity when the opportunity presents itself. A Seller not being prepared to respond can be interpreted as the Seller not being motivated, and not worthy Robert Dolan | Jul 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
DOLAN SALES of South Florida specializes in selling existing businesses and franchises. If you have considered selling your company, determine its fair market value; the knowledge, experience and discretion of Dolan Sales, Inc. will be valuable assets in Robert Dolan | Jul 9, 2013 | Broker Advice, Business Tips, Divestiture Strategy, Florida Business Broker, Fort Lauderdale Business Broker, Intermediary, M&A, Selling Your Business in South Floirda, South Florida Business Broker, Uncategorized
As you start the process of considering to exit or sell your business, the following are topics you will want to consider: When to sell: Discuss the past three year’s results and the realistic prospects for the upcoming years. Do you have the energy and desire to Robert Dolan | Jun 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
4 years of age: My Daddy can do anything! 7 years of age: My Dad knows a lot! A whole lot! 8 years of age: My Father doesn’t know that either. 14 years of age: Father? He is hopelessly old fashioned. 21 years of age: The old man? He’s way out of date! 25 Robert Dolan | Jun 14, 2013 | Uncategorized
It is rare that a business owner will pass on the opportunity for a quick sale of $250 to do what is right. I found that to be the case for the Wilton Manor owner of a Guardian generator sales and service company who did just that. Early one morning, I went to Robert Dolan | May 23, 2013 | Commercial Property Leasing Services, Finding a new Location, Moving Your Business, Uncategorized
As the business cycle ramps up, there is a pretty good chance you could be looking for a new business facility and entering into a commercial lease. Each lease is different and has to be reviewed carefully. When that time comes, you should have a basic understanding...