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The most important consideration in choosing a company to help you find a buyer for your business is that you trust the person you will be working with. Trust is a hard attribute to quantify, but most likely would include transparency, honesty and accuracy. This would include telling you what is believed to be true and accurate, not saying what you want to hear to secure an Engagement Agreement.

It is important to engage a company that will put forth extraordinary effort on the Seller’s behalf, including taking the time to prepare a comprehensive package to exemplify/embellish the Seller’s opportunity, as well as to point out why the opportunity is unique.

For a broker/intermediary to be a “type A” personality is helpful in getting results, but you also want a person who is patient, a good listener, curious and good at asking questions. This includes the ability to take in all the input from various sources and restate the essence in an easy-to-relate-to manner and a calm, reassuring tone.

You want a broker/intermediary whose optimistic and enthusiastic attitude is contagious, because that helps with the sale process on all levels.

As a seller or a buyer, if you would like a confidential conversation about how to prepare, please contact me on my cell, 954-579-4687, or by e-mail at My LinkedIn profile is at: