When Selling Your Business, Don’t Take Your Foot “Off the Gas”
Once the decision has been made to sell your business, it is not the time to relax. This is particularly true once you have a signed Offer. Most buyers say in their Offer or Purchase Agreement that is it is subject to there being no adverse changes in the business...
When the fun is gone, it may be time to start thinking about an exit from your business
Many people change occupations every eight years. Many people find it fun and exciting to start and grow a business. The challenges of figuring out to grow the business cause a real rush of adrenalin. However, once the business has established itself and the systems...
Selling Your Business with an Owner Benefit over $700K – Keeping Some Skin in the Game
Many business owners in their mid- to late 60s find themselves wanting to work less, but not quit completely, knowing there is a good upside to their businesses and enjoying the challenge of keeping the growth trajectory steady, or at an accelerated rate. These owners...
When you are ready to sell your business and the valuation seems too good to be true …
It’s no surprise – that great valuation is most likely too good to be true. As often occurs with residential real estate, an unprofessional agent will tell a potential seller what the seller wants to hear to get the listing. The agent thinks that, when it gets down to...
Selling Your Business in a Seller’s Market
You would think it would be easy selling a quality business in a seller’s market, but it never is. Using fishing vernacular, most fish are lost as the fisherman tries to get them into the boat. Particular care, experience, and focus are required to be successful. Even...
Selling your Business – Getting to First Base, and then on to Home Base
The key points a potential buyer will zero in on when browsing for a business are: Geography – is the business in the general area they are interested in? You know the saying about “location, location, location”! Is the business a type or industry the buyer can see...
Looking for a Business to Buy? Patience and Pace are Critical
As with any major purchase, the worst thing a person can do when looking to buy a business is to be in a rush to make a deal. It is important to move quickly once you find a suitable target, but don’t buy just anything or settle for something less that what you really...
Buying a Quality Business with $300K+ Owner Benefit in a Seller’s Market
When buying anything of high value and significant importance, it’s necessary to learn value. This takes a period of time of looking at and evaluating similar businesses. Once this process has been completed, it makes sense to start making some offers. Experienced...
If You Have Ever Thought of Selling Your Business, Now is the Time
If you were to log onto – the largest online service provider where businesses are sold –right now and put in “all” for a type of business with an owner benefit (EBITDA/SDCF) of more than $250,000, you won’t find much, if anything, that is suitable as a...
When It’s Time to Sell Your Business, You Don’t Want a “Yes” Person as Your Broker
When the time arrives to sell your business, you don’t want someone representing you as broker or intermediary who is going to agree with everything you say. You need to make your decisions based on market-driven facts and a reliable source. Many, many times, a...
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