About Us
45-years of experience selling businesses
Meet Robert M. (Bob) Dolan
Phone: 954-579-4687 | bobd@dolansales.co

Bob grew up in Anaheim, CA. He began his career in the printing industry, and over time developed a background in manufacturing and franchising, as well in distribution and service segments. Bob’s extensive work experience has contributed to his successful business skills.
Currently, Bob is a licensed Florida real estate broker specializing in the Lower Mid-Market and M&A sectors. His areas of expertise include comprehensive outside sales (B2B), and marketing.
Bob has packaged new franchises, assisted in preparing Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD) for start-up franchise companies and established systems for recruiting and training franchisees in the B2B sector. He has also established the strategic planning and implementation of sales and marketing to increase sales.
Throughout his years in the real estate industry, Bob has always been a passionate coach for business owners, helping them expand and grow their cash flow.
Family & Interests
Bob resides in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Him and his wife, Kathy, have been married 42 years, with two grown children and two grandchildren. His wife Kathy is a descendant of the Mayflower, and is a member of the Mayflower Society of Texas.
Aside from family, Bob is an avid gardener. He also takes interest in the sunny Florida, Caribbean and South America watercraft activities.
As a licensed South Florida business broker, Bob Dolan stays active in a number of east coast business broker associations, including Business Brokers of Florida (BBF), The International Association of Business Brokers (IBBA), the National Association of Realtors® and The Realtors® Commerical Alliance of the Palm Beaches, Greater Fort Lauderdale and the Treasure Coast (RCA).
Meet Alana Dolan
Licensed Florida Broker Associate and Lower Mid-Market Business Broker, Mergers and Acquisitions and Intermediary
Phone: 954-732-6366 | alana@dolansales.co

Alana has been working in the background with Bob for many years gaining insight and education from Bob’s years of experience. After the birth of her second child she felt she had gained enough knowledge from Bob to transition from the background to the front line. She currently assists business owners in Palm Beach, Broward & Miami counties with locating buyers, both local and international. Further, she consults with buyers to find the right opportunity, using technology to match buyers and sellers.
Alana is a registered Mayflower descendent, and a member of good standing with the Texas Chapter of the Mayflower Society #TX2197. Alana resides in Fort Lauderdale with her 2 children & her husband Matthew, whose family has been a part of the South Florida business scene for over 70 years. Aside from her family Alana enjoys cooking, gardening & art.
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